Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I can't believe this is it...

Whatup peeps...Sophia here, officially blogging from California. I meant to write earlier, but things got really hectic with packing and uh, socializing. Aaanyhow, my parents and I got to L.A. on Saturday evening but didn't begin to move me in until Sunday (my sister oh-so-conveniently is just flying in for the vacation portion of the trip...ass). It was a full day of running around the city trying to find the best deals at Target (pronounced Tar-jay) and Bed Bath & Beyond (B cubed, if you will)- staples when moving into a new apartment, albeit temporarily. Of course I'm not going to splurge on anything or buy anything that I can't take back with me because there's a 99% chance I'm not staying in Cali after I graduate. I want to move back home to Atlanta or to NYC (my first love...). That's why I'm renting furniture! It better be good...I'll find out tomorrow when it gets delivered and let you know. Let me forewarn you that this post may be all over the place (as you can probably already tell) since my brain is just now starting to settle down and take it all in.
I have to say that the only reason I didn't absolutely cry my fucking eyes out in the plane is because my biffle, Blaire, drove all the way to the airport just to give me one last hug and say goodbye. I can't tell you how much that meant to me. Wait a second, nevermind, I did in fact cry my fucking eyes out. I miss my friends so much and can I just say that this 3 hour time difference totes sucks!!
Okay, back to the moving part--we actually finished everything on Sunday, and I found room to store all 56 pairs of shoes I brought with me! Ha....no, I'm not joking. Seriously, stop laughing. What can I say...shoes are the greatest because no matter what you've eaten in the last week, they always fit :-)
So everything's ready to go, including the living room TV- we got a badass 42" 1080p Plasma HD from Best Buy...holler! Wait, I'll be studying all the time so I guess I won't be watching much of it.

Now I'm in Newport Beach staying at this ridiculously awesome resort called Pelican Hill. I mean for sers, this place is paradise. All I can say is "Thanks Dad!" If he weren't a stockholder in a certain company, we wouldn't be here right now. I think I could get used to to the beach views, 24 hour staff, and automatic fireplace....ahhhh, this is the life. Aaaand before I know it I'll be back in L.A. waiting all day for the cable guy to show up and living off of Ramen and water. Back to the student life!

I'm trying to get a job out here so I'll let you know how that turns out too. One thing I can say about LA is that the drivers are worse than in Atlanta. The key is not to give your signal because if you do, they'll just speed up and not let you in. You have to have the mentality of "move bitch! get out the way!" otherwise you'll end up always missing your exit. Trust me. Oh, and I must invest in a Bluetooth because they have a Hands-Free Driving law here...I refuse to be one of those people who doesn't ever take out their earpiece though...God, that's annoying. Especially in planes! Why the fuck do you still have your earpiece in?! You're clearly not talking to anybody!

Okay, I can see that I'm getting carried away...I think I'll head down to the beach for a walk. I'll see y'all later or I'll see y'all on another time.


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