Monday, June 7, 2010

Hey kids,

Happy Monday? Is there such a thing? Not really. And definitely not when you consider the fact that Sophia and I have officially been separated for 9 days! It's been super tough so far but luckily we've each had some things to distract us over the past week. Soph had a nice little vacay with her fam who just left yesterday and I've been distracted with the Backstreet Boys and car troubles.

In case I haven't previously mentioned, I have another blog here that I've been posting to for about 7 months - and I don't think I'm quite ready to give up that one yet. Idk. It's hard to blog on 2 blogs but I think it can be done. Because I have THAT much to say about life, right? Right...Maybe we should figure out who our audience is for this blog and cater our topics to them? Hmm...decisions decisions.

Soph and I spoke briefly earlier today about our itinerary for when I come into town w/ Leigh and Nicole. One thing has been decided: we're going to see the Eclipse premiere (hopefully) the night we fly in at midnight. I caught a few new trailers for Eclipse recently and let me just say DAMN. I'm so excited. To give you a little preview into how my love affair with the twilight saga began, check out this blogpost from my other blog and it should all make sense. There are multiple trailers out for Eclipse now and I am pretty stoked to see the movie. I'm in the middle of re-reading the book right now and it's getting good. But I can already tell you that the trailer shown at the MTV Movie Awards last night was a disappointment because they didn't really stick to the book very well with the Bella/Jacob/Edward feud after Bella and Edward return from their trip to Jacksonville.

Not totally right with the book but...I guess that's to be expected. Stumbled across this trailer today too:

This seems to be the most complete trailer so far. I know Soph will be stoked when she actually gets to watch these! She is sans internet until tomorrow in her new place.

Anyway, so back to our itinerary. We're obvi going to see Eclipse. We want to do some celeb stalking, find out if there are any movies being filmed that we could possibly stumble onto. Hit up the beach and the pool. Run out and get 3 Pinkberry's. Because that's good. Smart. And it's totes the best hund cal fro-yo.

Minute 2:52. And you're welcome.

Anyway, so what do you think? What else should we add to our itinerary? What's a MUST-DO in LA? Anyone know of any movies being shot out there that we should check out!? Any good restaurants we should go ahead and get on the guest list for? Let us know!

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