Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Connected to the World once again

Holy schnikes Batman, I have Internet! And cable, which means I will NOT be missing Glee tonight! That's an A++ in my books. I must admit that as happy as I am that I'm now connected to the World once again, I absolutely detest Directv. Their customer service is one level lower than sub-par and WTF they don't do set-up on the weekends?? #fail.
The apartment is coming along nicely, although we're still sans living room furniture. It's okay, we know we have a deadline for when my biffle, Leigh, and Nicole get in!! I absolutely cannot wait! I'm alone all day and since I don't really know anyone, it kinda sucks. I did some exploring yesterday- I've learned my way to Target, the grocery, and the nearest Shell station. Hallelujah. Imma need to get my act together and start making my rounds around the city. Okay, I'm determined to do that tomorrow. Done and done.
Life in LA is a lot different than Atlanta- the people aren't as nice and welcoming, everyone seems very private, and the smog is killing me. Wait, one more- the drivers SUCK AT LIFE. If you signal to change lanes, chances are you're gonna get run over. Don't signal, just go. For sers, it's a nightmare. I do miss the simplicity and politeness of the South, but I'm learning to embrace the differences. One thing I'm excited about is that I have plans on Friday night!
Here's the story- So, the last night we were at the beach, I started talking to this bartender at the resort- let's call him Blake. Blake was really nice- we started talking because I found out he went to Auburn- a natural SEC connection. Anyway, he grew up in Huntington Beach, now lives in the Newport area, and frequents LA. Of course the first question came about: Why would you move to the South for school when you grew up in sunny California?? Answer: Baseball scholarship. Cue the "oh's" and "ah's". Anyhow, I got his number because I'm trying to meet some people to hang out with! So yeah, the short of it is we're going out on Friday. I told him to invite some people since I don't know anyone. And I think I'm taking roomie's sistah with me. Hopefully he didn't think this was going to be a one-on-one deal. Hsst!! That's awkward. Which brings me to my question: What if you were kind of talking to/seeing someone before you moved, then you moved, and you never really talked about what's happening in the interim? My move is temporary, but there is still 10 months between now and when I get back. So what's protocol? I'm a confrontational person by nature so I could just ask, but is that awkward? I mean it's not serious, but the potential is there...definitely not right now though. So what, do I date while I'm here? I wouldn't mind it, but then again I'll be moving...AGAIN. What is up with me and long distance shit? I should just give up on boys for the next 10 months and just concentrate on school. On the other hand, a girl's gotta eat! I could use a free meal now and then to support my love of food and my lack of funds. I could use some advice here. I like this guy back home in that "I'm-still-getting-to-know-you-but-you're-fun-to-hang-out-with" kind of way, but I keep hearing from people that I shouldn't take it seriously. As much as I value my friends' opinions, I always rely on my personal feelings toward the subject. Sure, I've steered myself wrong on many occasions, but the fact of the matter is that I came to that decision myself so I have no one else to blame but myself. I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket, but maybe 2 out of the dozen. Does that sound reasonable? Maybe I just need to be slapped across the face for literally writing a paragraph on this subject. Eh, whatareyagonnado?

Okay so I leave you with that, readers. Let me know what you think- whether it's "wait and see what happens when you get back" or "you're the dumbest person I know and should most definitely be slapped across the face". I welcome any and all suggestions. Have a happy Tuesday! WTF, it's only Tuesday? Oi vey....


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